Friday, September 14, 2012

First blog

In efforts to become a better writer, I have decided to start a blog.  I'm not sure if my stories will captivate an audience and I'm notorious for leaving words out of my sentences but maybe with the pressure of the world possibly reading this, it will be the kick in the butt I need to pay closer attention to what I write.(longest run on sentence ever)  I am also very flaky. In the off chance I do write something that keeps readers wanting more, there is a good chance that I will get distracted by a butterfly or a corgi walking down the street.

I live in Ashland, Oregon. Famous for The Oregon Shakespeare Festival, the nonchalant deer population and banjo loving vagrants. There are about 20,000 people in the town of Ashland.

To make ends meet, my husband and I live with our two best friends, Brian and Barbara.  They are also married. We also have 3 dogs and a rabbit between us.  It's pretty cramped but we along very well.  You could even say we like it.  We have considered opening a circus.

 Being in the business of theatre, life automatically seems to be more dramatic than most.  It's like craziness just gravitates towards me.  I must admit, most of it is self inflicted but other crazy nonsensical things just seem to keep happening to me. My life often mirrors an old reel of the keystone cops complete with tripping, trampolines and burning buildings.

I am currently 27 years old.  It feels weird to type that because my birthday was just a few weeks ago.  27 is the turning point year for many reasons.  One, you are waving goodbye to your 20's.  You can no longer lean on the support of the number 25 and will have to face 30 sooner or later.  Second, it makes you less inclined to settle for things.  When I was younger, I always thought I would be a success by 30, owning a house, a new car and having the job of  my dreams. Most of that hasn't happened yet. I find my fulfillment by painting, writing plays and now writing a blog.  All of these things are tainted with a bittersweet feeling.  Yes I'm doing what I love but it's only because I squeeze them into what little time I have away from work and as much as I hope, I probably will never become financially stable because of them. 

I enjoy naps. Naps are awesome.

I draw my pictures in Microsoft paint because it is the only window you have into my pea sized brain. Yes, they could look better if I spent more time on them but I think they serve their purpose by illuminating my "child like wonder". Yeah I'm so full of  BS.

Peace, love and volkswagens.

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